
Y’all. I don’t know where my brain is. But apparently it’s been out to lunch for days.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

While working on my latest Alder I failed to realize that my placket was inserted incorrectly (too wide). I ended up ripping out the collar three times and cutting out two new ones. It was beyond me as to why it kept coming up too long. Once I noticed my beautiful placket was wrong, with heavy heart, I ripped it out.

I lost a day and half of work (three naps). But I remain determined to finish. I almost lost my cool and walked away from the project, calling it a lost. But I’m too stubborn. Besides, it’s silk. Who can say no to silk?

I’m back to where I was two days ago but with a collar that fits! Huzzah!

20 thoughts on “Oy.

  1. Oh man, I HATE the time suck of having to rip and re-do (and I don’t even measure my time it naps!). Can imagine the frustration. But that’s gorgeous fabric & will definitely be worth the effort in the end. Good luck!


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