
2009: Greg’s Austin, TX office closes and he puts in a job transfer for the London Office.

2010-2012: London. After we get pregnant we decide being closer to family would be nice. Transfer to the San Francisco office. Good thing, too. The London office closed months after we left and we would’ve been deported. Ha!

2013-2015: Bay Area (San Mateo, CA). Love the weather and the long months of fruit season. But we never felt settled or a sense of belonging. Transfer to the Seattle office.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetIMG_54792015- Seattle. Home. Finally. Finally feeling at home after six years of being on the road, it seems. And with that feeling comes the need to throw down some roots. So…we bought a house! The Seattle housing market is BANANAS. Houses barely last a couple of days. The renting market isn’t any better, landlords taking deposits before an open house starts. With rent sometimes increasing at about 30% a year, owning a house made the most sense. And we’ve been itching to own a home for years now. So it feels good to finally be able to put nails in the walls without worry. And paint the walls. And possible start a garden.

It also means I can finally work on the ideal sewing space I’ve always wanted. My sewing rooms have been away from O’s play area, so sewing while he played was never an option. But it will be now. I staked claim to the only room on the ground level. Bonus, it has sliding doors to the yard. So ideally I can sew and watch him play outside. Do you hear that? Those are angels singing.

Another bonus is that the sewing room leads into the kitchen, allowing for me to bake and sew. WHAT? Two loves combined. Hosting sewing friends will be super fun too, with this set up. Now, to decide what goes where. And if I really need that peg board I’ve always dreamed of.

A lot of changes but they are so welcomed. I cannot wait for the calm after settling in. We move in two weeks and I’m already dreaming of my unpacked house, with its new couch (adulting! what?!) and gray owl painted walls.

But for now…I’m hating packing.

49 thoughts on “Home

  1. That is so wonderful for you and for your entire family. Carlos and I loved Seattle. Perhaps at some future date we’ll make a return trip there and see you at the same time. Love from the Davis-Mateo family back home in Brooklyn.


    • Thank you. It will feel so so good to build memories around a family home. And to really become part of a community. I miss that so much about growing up in Brooklyn. Neighbors knew you and helped you when needed. That’s all I want for us, a wonderful network. And it’s been a long search, but happy we found a place that can offer that.

      We’d love to host you if you ever come to Seattle!


  2. Congratulations — so exciting to finally buy a house!! O and little sis will love having the stability of their own house as they grow up too. And your sewing room situation sounds ah-mazing! Mine is still tucked away in a dark corner of our basement. I would love to have my machines upstairs by the kitchen where I could watch the kids play outdoors as I sew. My weekends could be so productive if that was the case…


  3. Congratulations! I’ve loved watching (and sharing) your journey. (I still use your hair straighteners!) You deserve all the happiness in the world. You know, I’ve never visited Seattle…


    • Come on over! Please know you’re always welcome to come for a visit. We have a guest…basement. I know, doesn’t sound glamorous but it’s cool and private 🙂 And I’m so glad the straightners are treating you well. They are such a life-saver on humid days.


  4. Your sewing space sounds great! How exciting to be moving into a new house! I am glad that you’ve finally found a hometown. Seattle is so beautiful – I can see why you would like it!


    • Congratulations! How exciting! I wish I could see it. Your last house was lovely but I imagine so is the current one. Hope you’re doing well. I’ll drop you a proper email soon!


  5. Fantastic news! We recently moved into our home and I can tell you this (sorry): packing takes longer than you’d think and is the opposite of the dog’s bollocks. Unfortunately unpacking the last box is even worse + longer, but SO SO SO good when it’s done 😃 best of luck to you all x


    • Hey Rachel! Packing DOES take forever. Luckily we’ve had quite a bit of time to pack (4 weeks total) so it’s coming along. Greg’s company moved us all those other times so we never bothered to purge or downsize. Eeek! I’ve been gifting so many things just to get rid of stuff. Feels great but still, lots of work.


  6. Seems like you and your husband have great instincts with jobs and moving! Glad to hear it’s all worked out! I finally visited Seattle last year and absolutely loved it. I can see why people fall in love with the area. Congrats on the new house and upcoming baby. Can’t wait to see what you do with your new sewing space.


    • Thanks! I regret not sharing my current space (before I packed it all) because it was very serene. But I hope to make it more functional, and share it, next time.


  7. How wonderful…life is really falling into place. Good luck with the move. Packing is awful….but worth it for your own space.


      • It will! We have just decided to move so I feel your pain. I’m house hunting and trying to organise the last of the renovations to get ours ready to sell. I just keep remembering that at the end of it I’ll have a sewing room too. Hurrah!


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