Sewjo, where are you?

Well hello there! Long time no chat, I know. Last time I left off I was working on some Colette Clovers and a Victory Ava top. Sadly, I’m still working on them. I kind of lost my sewjo right before The Games started. And well, then there was no sewing because all spare time was devoted to watching or going to The Games. No joke. I’ve been a fan of the Olympics since I was a small fry. It’s the athlete in me that wants out. Maybe one day…one day.

Along with the Olympics I had a friend come visit and we went all over the place. It was great fun but now I’m ready to get back to my unfinished projects. Problem is I can’t seem to make myself do it. Well, I’m hoping that after a few days of boredom I’ll be ready to pick off where I left off. Next time I hope to have something to show you!

22 thoughts on “Sewjo, where are you?

  1. This happens to me sometimes. Usually a deadline (wedding or other event) spurs me on and then I can’t stop!
    As long as you are having fun, don’t sweat it! Maybe you are just ready for some autumn sewing?


    • I very well could be. I’m also not in love with the fabric choice for my Ava top. I just want to finish it because I started it. But I’m going to power through for sure.


  2. Don’t forget that we do this for the pure enjoyment of it. Find another little project to keep your paws busy and go back to the machine when the mood returns. I just ordered the Ava pattern, so don’t feel presured into finishing so that you can walk me thru it…heehee!


  3. Im going through exactly the same, the olympics took over and now I can’t pick anything back up. Trying not to put the pressure on myself but im hoping it wont be tooooo long before my sewjo comes back! I hope it comes back for you soon too


    • Not putting pressure is hard but it’s totally a must. We must breath in and think the sewing will get done when we’re ready. But then I look at my stack of fabrics and I get all nervous again 🙂 But yeah, we are allowed a break now and again.


  4. OMG, tell me about it! I just cannot get back into the sewing groove. I keep buying stuff to sew and to sew with, but the actual ‘sewing’ part is missing. I hope I can get back into it soon, as I do actually miss it, but lack the motivation. Maybe this Saturday will fire us up ;o)


    • I am hoping to get inspired this weekend. I really am. I too keep buying patterns and fabrics here and there. The fabric won’t sew itself up, I remind myself. I take to a de-stash oath and stick to it.


  5. Darn those Olympics…I find it impossible to get anything done while they are on. Especially sleep as in Australia they didn’t start until 10pm! Made me a very tired girl for two weeks. I get so ridiculously obsessed with sports I generally don’t give a hoot about and simply MUST stay up to watch the trampolining, or the race walking, or ANYTHING!

    Also….”sewjo” is now my new favourite word 🙂


    • Same here! I spent hours watching sports I didn’t understand because I was just trying to figure out the scoring (Hello, free-style wrestling? Perplexing!).

      It’s the only time I dedicate my time to watching sports for more than an hour. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s like Christmas for me.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Welcome back to blogland – I missed you!
    Have you seen the new Kelly skirt pattern and Victory patterns’ latest releases? I totally see you in a Kelly and in the kimono top (not at the same time!) 🙂


    • Helloooo! I actually just bought the Roxanne top. I loved how simple and chic the blouse hangs. And I am sitting on the Kelly skirt. I have seen it and I do love it. I have added to my list.


  7. I think your sewjo has gone on holiday with mine. Olympics + school holidays + odd summer weather = no sewing going on here either!


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