Meet up in Ed-in-burr-ə!

Crafters’ Ceilidh

All the lovely crafters. Photo credit: Debi Fry

What an amazing meet up! Thank you Debi, Kristen and Kestrel for such a wonderfully organized get-together! I am so tired but all that shopping and browsing was so worth it. I met new bloggers and got to re-connect with old ones. And some people I didn’t get to chat with at all! I am so so sorry. I promise I wasn’t being rude. I always find it hard to exchange words with everyone in a big group. I get a bit overwhelmed.

Anyhow, here are some of my photos from the day. I posted some more scenic ones at my expat blog if you’re curious.

Kristen talking Itinerary

Scruffy Badger and Did You Make That discussing shopping strategies, perhaps?

Vintage pattern search

Marching on, two by two!

Debi needs "that" pattern.

The Voodoo Rooms: a great end to a great day

The Haul

I am glad I went shopping with a list (interfacing, buttons,tartan fabric, fabric for another Jasmine and one for Lisette 2246). The only fabric I didn’t intend on buying was the brown and black check ones. The brown one was on offer so it had to go home with me. The black check would look great as a long-sleeved Negroni for the G man and he’s due for another gift. He’s that rad.

The haul. I *will* learn to match checks!

This will go in my future sewing room. Eventually.

Looking forward to the next meet up! And maybe Dibs and baby Noah can join us? Hope so!

26 thoughts on “Meet up in Ed-in-burr-ə!

  1. I’m glad you got my pattern in the swap – look forward to seeing how you get on with making it, and what you make with the beautiful, bright check fabric. Was lovely to meet you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have some lace that I might use to make that blouse. Here’s hoping I can manage. Thanks again for hosting and it was so great meeting you. Hope we meet again at another get-together!


  2. Woo hoo! Wasn’t it fun?!
    You know, I think we all felt a bit overwhelmed at times – so many people to “talk stitch” with!
    I hope we get more time to chat next time… because there MUST be a next time, right?!


    • You so could. I imagine you can find people on, maybe? Or maybe set one up? It’s so much fun.

      I am worrying about what I am going to do when I move back to Austin. I hope there’s a sewing community already getting together.


  3. I love sewing meetups! They are so much fun – and judging by the photos this one was no exception. Thanks for sharing the photos – the next best thing to being there.


  4. Wow! You are very lucky to enjoy all those wonderful encounters with other people with similar interests, that sounds so fun! I’m a little jealous, heh, heh.


    • There’s going to be a meet-up in Barcelona in September. I think Pattern Review is planning it. I told my husband it would make for a great opportunity to return to Spain. Maybe you can go? It would be great fun!


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