My Going-ons

Let me begin with admitting that there hasn’t been much sewing going on around here; a refashion here and a baby blanket there. It was hard to get inspired in a mostly bare sewing room. And today we received our sea shipment made up of 60 boxes. Half has been unpacked and nothing organized. So now with most of my sewing stuff here, I find it hard to sew because everything is out of place. Gah! Send me a fairy godmother quick! Sooo, I decided to share my going-ons of late as a way to procrastinate the inevitable. I mean, why not? It’s been a while.

Last week I had a great visit with my best friend. We headed into San Francisco (I’m living in the burbs, y’all) a few times and did quite a bit of sight-seeing.

Heading back to San Francisco.

No visit to SF can go without visiting Britex. Quite pricey but quite inspiring. I don’t see myself shopping here unless I had a very specific, fine project I was working on. Maybe best to go during one of their big sales?

We've come for the inspiration.

Quite a few choices for jerseys.

During another visit to the city we walked along Fisherman’s Wharf, nipping into stores here and there. It was a gorgeous day so the walk was quite pleasant.

Walking the pier.

My friend Linds is a barista so stopping into some of SF’s best coffee shops was a must. We hit Blue Bottle Coffee. The constant long queue reminded me of Monmouth Coffee. But sadly Blue Bottle Coffee didn’t hold a flame to it (Monmouth forever!).

Blue Bottle Coffee. The Monmouth Coffee of SF? Let's see.

We nipped into a Tcho chocolate factory. It smelled gorgeous. I resisted buying any but I did get to try a bite of some dark chocolate and it was delicious. Must go again! Maybe even give the factory tour a go? Hmm…

Smells delicious in this here chocolate factory.

We carried on until Pier 39, home of a colony of sea lions. So so cute, and so so smelly.

Smelly cuteness.

I knew another 2 mile walk would take it out of me so we headed back on the light rail. The tram was super cute and quite a nice way to get around in the city.

Tram time.

Over the weekend we decided to be adventurous and drive to an overlook and see the Golden Gate Bridge. Quite the adventure when you (well, my husband) are driving a manual car on steep hills. Greg grew some grey hairs on that trip. But we made it!

Me and Lindsay B!

And that pretty much sums up what I’ve been up to in my neck of the woods. I really enjoyed having my best friend around. You can probably imagine how boring it can be, moving to a new city with no friends. Linds saved my sanity last week (come back!).

My besties.

I guess I should go tidy up the place. Maybe…

Until next time! Hopefully I’ll have something cute to share (other than a baby!).

43 thoughts on “My Going-ons

  1. So good to hear about what you’ve been up to! I can totally understand why you have not been sewing – if things are not precisely where they should be in my sewing space I can never get a project started so I can only imagine what an entire house organization would do to my sew-jo! It will all get settled in good time, as it always does. Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures in the West Coast.


  2. Philz is better than Blue Bottle for coffee, try it next time you’re in town. Also, check out Discount Fabrics in SoMa (11th/Howard I think). When you get to Berkeley, go to Stonemountain and Daughter, they are super friendly, though much smaller than Britex or Discount Fabrics.


  3. Helloooo!! Lovely to hear what you’ve been up to, and I don’t blame you that sewing’s on hold- lots going in, lots to get sorted and for sewing it’s for me something that you can’t do if surrounded in domestic disorder / still moving in!!!


    • Hello! I cannot wait to get back into some sort of sewing routine but it will have to wait for now. The chaos needs to be sorted. I must plan a big reward for myself when it’s done 🙂


  4. Hey Mela! Good to hear from you! Glad you’re settling in even if you are living it box city with only half an idea where everything is… Don’t worry about the sewing, you’ve got enough going on! Make it fun, I’d hate it to be a chore 😦


  5. Bump is looking so adorable.
    This so reminds me of how I felt when I upped sticks to live with The Husband. I knew no one and it was soooooo tough. Thankfully you have the lovely SF to distract you. Its a place I’d love to visit. It will get easier…I promise. Joining a knitting group changed my life. I wish I’d joined earlier.


    • I am going to follow your lead. My husband’s co-worker’s wife is in a local knitting group. I am going to join (eventually) so I can actually be held accountable for my projects and meet people. I like my alone time but I do crave interacting with people.


      • My knitting group is such fun…I haven’t been for a while and really miss it. Often not much knitting occurs, but it’s just great to be with like minded women (and men…we have chaps there too!). Also, when baby arrives, it’s lovely to chat with grown ups too. Good luck with this. I’m sure you’ll love it and I know they’ll love you.


  6. Great to see how your are getting on. Having moved to quite an isolated town in NZ for a while and not knowing anyone for a while – I can relate! Having said that, coming home was equally strange, but now I have better friends than when I left. We passed through SF on the way to NZ (long story!) and loved it. Happy memories and I would love to go back… Hope you sort out your chaos soon and the creativity comes back to you. When is you baby due?


    • We are due 4 March so I must get all this stuff sorted STAT! Luckily my mother is coming for a visit and I’m sure she can help if for some reason we’re still unpacking (hope not!).


  7. It sure looks like a fun weekend! The photo’s remind me of when we were on holidays in SF. We went to Britex and I was so overwhelmed.. I hope you’ll settle in soon and that you make new friends too!


  8. These are fantastic pictures. I especially love the one of your baby bump with the bolts of fabric – getting him accustomed early, I see! LOL!

    I’m taking notes about the fabric shops too, because I might be out that way this spring 🙂 I hope your settling-in doesn’t take too long, so you can get some time to just kick back!


  9. Oh moving…sigh. Never easy is it? I think you go from the excitement of the move to the reality of “now we’re here, did we really do this”. It’ll all fall into place and you live in such a lovely area it’s going to be great!


  10. I hope you guys are settling in nicely! San Francisco has to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I loved visiting SF and Berkeley when I lived in LA. The sea lions are too cool! A little stinky, though. 🙂


  11. Thank you so much for the pics of SF — all my favorite spots. Yes, Britex is pricey, but a treat to visit. Lots of inspiration there, and the 4th floor remnants are reasonable, and many are good lengths. Now I’m so homesick! Love the wharf, the seals, etc. Have fun in the city, there’s lots to see and do. Over the years Chinatown gets more globalized, which makes me sad. I remember when all the shops were mom-and-pop, with much more variety. Still colorful and fun, but not the same. . .


  12. Now, I know I previously read this post but it doesn’t look like I commented! So sorry about that! Thank you so much for taking us on this tour of SF with you. It looks so sunny and nice – I definitely can’t wait to visit one day. I definitely think I’d like the quirky shops and the trams and the bridge.

    Hope you’re still doing well and that you have your sewing mojo back. Packing, moving and unpacking is my least favourite pastime ever so I’m definitely sending good vibes your way.


  13. Moving to a new city is so hard until you make friends! I’m so jealous that you’ve moved from one amazing city to another. I hope you’ll post tons and tons of pictures about life in SF! And California in general!


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