Just another circle skirt

Circle Skirt #3

This circle skirt is the last of the projects I started months ago. There’s nothing much to say except it’s a self-drafted pattern. Sadly the pattern is now a bit big for me so I cut the circle into fourths and sewed them back together using a quarter-inch seam allowance. That helped cinch the skirt in the waist. Huzzah!

Now, the only thing I currently have in my sewing queue is a couple of shirts for the men in the house. Must get those done so I can get back to sewing for me.me.me.

35 thoughts on “Just another circle skirt

  1. I have yet to make a circle skirt, but guess that’s gotta wait a while…I love your versions, you make them look so chic and effortless.


  2. I concur! You must get back to you. I know my new-mummy friends often feel they have so little time for themselves but you have a great way to combine cute, well-fitting outfits with free time. Hurrah!


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